统计了 2 0 0 1年 8- 11月国内发生的各种安全事故起 ,包括矿业事故、交通事故、爆炸事故、火灾、毒物泄露和中毒等。统计表明 ,在 6 6 0起事故中 ,矿业事故最多 ,占 6 6 .7% ,平均每天 3.7起事故 ,其次是交通事故 (15 .0 % )、爆炸事故 (9.1% )、其他事故 (4.8% )、毒物泄露和中毒 (2 .4 % )、火灾 (2 .0 % )。 6 6 0起事故共死亡 170 4人 ,伤 2 75 4人 ,死亡人数的百分比分别为矿业事故 5 3.4 %、交通事故 33.9%、爆炸事故 6 .0 %、其他事故 4 .9%、泄露中毒 1.2 %、火灾 0 .6 % ;受伤人数的百分比分别为泄露中毒 4 6 .5 %、交通事故 32 .7%、爆炸事故 11.3%、矿业事故 5 .8%、其他事故 3.4 %、火灾 0 .3%。
The present paper reports the statistical data and analyses of industrial accidents that have taken place in China in the period from August to November in the year of 2001. The total number of accidents taking place in the country is 1 660,which can be classified into six categories (Tables 1~6), i.e. mining industry, traffic, explosion, leakage and poisoning, fire, and other accidents. Among the 660 accidents, the frequency percentages of the six categories are 66.7%, 15.0%, 9.1%, 2.4%, 2.0%, and 4.8% respectively. The total casualty is 1 704 and the percentages for the six categories are 53.4%, 33.9%, 6.0%, 1.2%, 0.6%, and 4.9% respectively. The analyses show that the top ten provinces and cities where the accident number is high are Sichuan(100 accidents), Hunan(76), Chongqing(62), Xinjiang(46), Guangdong(45), Guizhou(40), Shaanxi(30), Hebei(28), Gansu(23), and Shanxi(21). And the top ten provinces and cities where the casualty number is high are Shanxi(170 dead), Sichuan(148), Hunan(146), Guizhou(125), Chongqing(118), Xinjiang(105), Shaanxi(96), Guangxi(90), Shandong(86), and Guangdong(84).
Journal of Safety and Environment