目的 :克隆人类精原细胞和初级精母细胞特异表达的基因。 方法 :应用改良的mRNA表达图谱分析技术 ,对正常男性、唯支持细胞综合征和生精阻滞在初级精母细胞病人的睾丸进行mRNA表达图谱分析的差异显示 ,选择唯支持细胞综合征缺失的表达基因并克隆测序。 结果 :正常男性、唯支持细胞综合征和生精阻滞在初级精母细胞症病人的睾丸组织表达图谱存在显著的表达差异 ,目前已获得唯支持细胞综合征缺失的片段 88个。在已分析的 6个片段中 ,1个与人类的Alu序列家族 (Alufamily) 98%同源。 结论 :Alu序列在生精细胞中通过返座作用形成新Alu序列 。
Objectives: To clone and identify the specific expression genes of spermatogonium and primary spermatocyte. Methods: Different expression of mRNA in testes of subjects with Sertoli cell only syndrome, spermatogenic arrest, and normal male was analysed by differential display technique. Genes which were expressed in spermatogenic arrest patient, and normal male control, but not in Steroli cell only syndrome subject were selected and sequenced. Results : Genes in three kinds of testes were differently expressed. 88 fragments expressed in both spermatogenic arrest and control subjects, but not in Sertoli cell only syndrome patient, were observed. Partial fragments of them were cloned and sequenced. One fragment was identified 98% similar to Alu Sx in GenBank. Conclusions: Alu sequences are diffused continously in genomes to form novel Alu sequences by retroposition in spermatogenic cells.
National Journal of Andrology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 30 0 0 0 0 88)