目的 :观察 b FGF在烧伤创面愈合中的作用效果。方法 :选取烧伤中的不同创面共 10 0例 ,应用 b FGF治疗与常规治疗作自体对照 ,观察治疗效果。结果 :应用 b FGF治疗的创面较常规治疗方法愈合时间明显缩短。结论 :b FGF对小面积的烧伤创面。
Objective: To investigate the clinical effects of the bFGF in the burn wound. Methods: To choose one hundred burn wound, compare the treatment of the bFGF (the treated group) with the general medical treatment (the control group), observe the difference of the two group. Results: The wound healing time of the treated group is much less than that of the control group. Conclusions: The study indicated that the bFGF can accelerate the wound healing in small area burns.
Tianjin Pharmacy