目的 :探讨酸性内环境对近视眼发生所起的作用及机制。方法 :用比较远视眼儿童和近视眼儿童尿pH值的方法。结果 :远视眼儿童尿pH值和近视眼儿童尿pH值均数比较差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,并且近视眼儿童尿pH值更低。结论 :近视眼儿童更低的尿pH值说明其内环境酸性更大 。
Objective:Preliminary analysis of the effect of acidic internal environment on myopia development.Method:Comparison of pH lovels in urine betveen myopia and hyperopia children. Results:there was significant difference between the pH level in urine from myopia children and that from hyperopia ones ( P <0.05),and there was lower pH level in urine from myopia children than that from hyperopia ones.Conclusion:Lower pH level in urine from myopia children than that from hyperopia ones indicats that the internal environment in myopia children is more acidic than that in hyperopia ones,and maybe myopia begins and develops with acidic internal environment.
Journal of Zhenjiang Medical College