目的 :通过DSA研究子宫肌瘤 (UM)的供血和超选择栓塞其供血动脉探讨其治疗效果。方法 :83例UM患者经超声、血管造影确诊后 ,超选择UM供血动脉注入白芨微粒混悬剂栓塞。结果 :83例插管成功率 10 0 %并栓塞相应供血动脉。随访 6个月 16例 (19.2 % )患者UM消失 ,6 3例 (75 .9% )不同程度缩小 ,81例 (97.6 % )月经周期恢复正常。结论 :超选择栓塞UM供血动脉 ,能使UM缺血、变性、坏死和萎缩 ,UM行介入治疗是一种微创、安全有效的新方法。
Objective:To study the clinical value of therapeutic embolization through superselectivre catheterization of blood supply arteries of uterine myoma.Methods:83 cases with uterine myoma underwent superselective embolization of the uterine myoma's blood supply with bletilla striata particle suspension.Results:All cases were succesfully underwent therapeutic embolization.Followed-up was in 6 months,16 cases myoma were eliminated completely and 63 cases reduced.Conclusion:Interventional therapy of uterine myoma is a safe and effective treatment methed.
Journal of Medical Imaging