目的 :探讨非骨化纤维瘤的X线诊断及鉴别诊断。方法 :分析X线资料完整并经手术病理证实的非骨化性纤维瘤 16例 ,其中CR片 10例 ,常规X线片 6例。结果 :全组病例X线表现均较典型 ,凭X线检查基本可以术前作出诊断 ,但应注意与一些X线表现类似的疾病相鉴别。结论 :优质X线片特别是图像清晰的CR片能真实的显示病变的特征 ,有助于确诊 ,当然 ,定性诊断须依赖于病理检查。
Objective:To study the X-ray diagnosis and differential diagnosis of non-osteogenetic osteofibroma of bone.Methods:Sixteen cases of non-osteogenetic osteofibroma,which were operated and identified with pathological examinations,had complete X-ray materials,10 cases with computed radiogram(CR),6 with common radiogram.Results:The X-ray manifestations of all sixteen cases of non-osteogenetic osteofibroma were typical.The results showed that some diseases could be identified mainly by X-ray examinations before operration,but must be differentiated from those with similar X-ray manifestations.Conclusion:Excellent radiograms,especially the distinct CR scan definitely display the features of certain diseases and help to diagnose,but definitive diagnosis depends on pathological examinations.
Journal of Medical Imaging