西部大开发是世纪之交党中央统揽全局做出的重大战略决策。如何进行西部开发就成为社会各界普遍关心的问题 ,过去西部开发一直采用资源导向型战略。目前 ,这一战略已经不能适应新形势发展的需要。笔者认为 ,在即将到来的知识经济时代 ,加快人力资源开发是西部大开发取得成功的关键所在。
Exploiting the west is a great strategy policy decision of the Party Central Committee. As a result, how to exploiting the west has become the general concerned issue of various social stratum, but the former strategy of exploiting resources has not suited the needs of new situation. In my opinion, quickening the step of exploiting human resources is the most important link in exploiting the west successfully along with the advent of knowledge economy.
Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College