我国加入WTO后 ,适时全方位开放金融服务贸易将成为必然 ,金融开放既可加速我国经济和金融参与国际竞争并按照国际规则和市场机制运行的转轨过程 ,也使我国的金融安全面临巨大挑战。在此背景下 ,分析我国的金融安全问题并采取有效的应对措施 ,意义重大而深远。
After China*ss entry to WTO, it is inevitable to open the financial industry all-round. The opening will not only speed up our economic development and make our finance anticapate in the international competition in correspoundence with international rules, but also, it challenges our financial security greatly. In view of this, it is important to analyse the problems in financial security and take correspounding and effective measures.
Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College