我国目前每年产生大量科技成果 ,由于缺乏风险资本而没有得到广泛应用 ,科技风险投资举步维艰。建立和完善我国的科技风险资本市场 ,创造有利于风险投资发展的税收环境和金融环境 ,开拓国内外风险投资资金来源 ,培养风险投资专门人才 ,已成为科技风险投资发展的当务之急。
A large number of achievements in science and technology emerge in our country every year.As a result of shortage of venture capital,the achievements in science and technology have not been used widely.The main reason is that the venture capital is not enough and lack of main investment body.It is a task of top priority to develop scientific and technological investment,build and perfect our market of technological risk capital,create a good taxation and finance conditions,develop risk capital sources at home and abroad,train special personnel of risk investment.
Journal of Shaanxi Economics and Trade Institute