目的 通过对临床诊断脑卒中合并肩手综合征患者手部的皮肤温度变化特点的观察 ,探讨利用红外热像协助早期诊断肩手综合征的方法。方法 应用红外热像对 16例脑卒中后合并肩手综合征的患者 ,进行双手和腕部皮肤温度的测量和比较。结果 患侧手背和腕部背侧皮肤平均温度分别高于健侧相应部位 0 .77℃和 0 .6 9℃ ,温度差异有非常显著性 (P <0 .0 0 1)。结论 红外热像检查是肩手综合征早期诊断的重要方法之一 ,对临床中高度可疑的患者应采用该方法诊断 ,以便及时采取有效措施 。
Objective The purpose of this study was to monitor the temperature distribution of the hand and wrist in shoulder hand syndrome following stroke. An attempt was made to determine the clinical usefulness of thermography in early diagnosis of shoulder hand syndrome following stroke. Methods Sixteen patients with shoulder hand syndrome following stroke were examined by thermography from anterior and posterior view of the hand and wrist. The temperature of affected side was compared with the contralateral side. Results Skin temperature was warmer on the affected side. The average temperature differences between the affected side and the unaffected side were 0.77℃ and 0.69℃ in the posterior view of hand and wrist respectively, and were statistically significant(P<0.001). Conclusion Thermography can be a useful component of shoulder hand syndrome diagnosis in early stage. Thermography can be used when shoulder hand syndrome is highly suspected,so that effective treatment can be given without delay and the course of shoulder hand syndrome can be controlled.
Chinese Journal of Physical Therapy