在追溯费尔干蚌属与科的最初定义及过去学者对此属归科的不同意见后 ,从我国标本所获对此属铰齿构造的了解 ,说明此属为蚌类化石。认为额尔古纳蚌Arguniella ,也是蚌类化石 ,作者过去将它与费尔干蚌属合并是错误的 ,同时肯定了原苏联马廷生 (G .G .Martinson)对费尔干蚌铰板与铰齿合并的解释。费尔干蚌属的区别特征 ,在其扁而无壳顶脊的外壳与狭细片状齿无铰板的发育。文末简述了陈金华 1999新的不同意见 。
Summary The genus Ferganoconcha was nominated by B.J. Chernyshev in 1937. Owing to the lack of the foundation for assigning this genus into the Unionidae, G.G. Martinson created the family Ferganoconchidae in 1956. He has agreed to take the hinge structure of the Chinese speci men of F. jorekensis Chernyshev from the western Inner Mongolia as one of the diagnestic features of the genus. This genus is essentially characterized by the external flat test without umbonal carina and the internal slendes lamellar teeth combined with poorly or un developed hinge plate.In spite of the different opinions in classifying Ferganoconcha into other divergent families the writer follows G.G. Martinson to maintain the Ferganoconchidae. The writer has also revised his own point of view and changed to regard the genus Arguniella Kolesnikov (1980) as another genus of the Ferganoconchidae. Although Chen Jinhua argued that Ferganoconcha should be fresh water anodont or toothless heterodont yet it might be proved to be a very rare and fantastic thought. Such thinking represents a retreat but not an advance in the investigations on the genus of Ferganoconchidae.
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica