对崇明东滩越冬白头鹤 (Grusmonacha)觅食地的特征进行了研究。结果表明 :①在潮沟边缘和平滩 2种微地貌之间 ,白头鹤的取食强度具极显著差异 (P <0 0 1) ,食物埋藏深度和食物重量具显著差异 (P <0 0 5 )。②在由北向南 3条样线之间 ,白头鹤的取食强度、食物埋藏深度、食物数量和食物重量差异极显著 (P<0 0 0 1)。③在内带、中带和外带 3条植被带之间 ,食物的埋藏深度和食物重量差异极显著 (P <0 0 0 1) ;由于潮水的影响 ,白头鹤在 3条植被带之间的取食强度无显著差异。白头鹤通过食物埋藏深度、食物重量和食物数量 3个特征来选择最佳的觅食场所。其中 ,食物的埋藏深度对白头鹤觅食地的选择具有最重要的作用 ,白头鹤倾向取食埋藏浅的食物 ;而潮水的冲刷作用是造成食物埋藏深度不同的主要原因。通过食物的平均埋藏深度与白头鹤平均取食深度的比较 。
The characteristics of Hooded Cranes'(Grus monacha) feeding sites in the east tide flat of Chongming Island were studied.The corm of Scirpus mariqueter is the main foods of the Hooded Crane in wintering in Chongming Island.There are fairly significant difference (P<0.01) on the foraging degree of the Hooded Crane,and significant differences (P<0.05) on the food's depth and weight of the bird between the site at the edges of the tidal channel and that far away the tidal channel.There are fairly significance (P<0.001) differences on the foraging degree,food's depth,number and weight of the bird among three sample lines.The effect of tidewater causes no significant difference on the foraging degree among the inner,middle and outer zones of Bulrush vegetation,but the food's depth and weight have fairly significance differences (P<0.001) among those zones.The mean feeding depth of the Hooded Crane can be used as an index in prediction its foraging sites.The tidal scour causes foods buried in the different depth,which has a great influence on the Hooded Crane feeding in the eastern tide flat of Chongming Island.
世界自然基金会 (WWF)资助项目
上海科技发展基金资助项目 ( 99XD14 0 0 7)
BPConservationProgramme资助项目( 14 17)