运用核磁共振波谱 (NMRS)研究血清中磷脂、脂蛋白及乳酸的代谢变化 ,并探讨该法在白血病临床研究上的应用和可行性。实验采用MSL - 30 0MHz型超导核磁共振谱仪测量白血病人及健康人血清标本 ,通过31 P -NMRS分析比较血清中磷脂酰胆碱 (PC)信号及磷脂酰乙醇胺和 (神经 )鞘磷脂 (PE +SM )信号相对积分面积 ,了解各自血清中的磷脂含量水平。并对血清1 H -NMRS中甲基和亚甲基峰进行线性拟合 ,从而分析血清中各种脂蛋白及乳酸含量的变化。白血病人血清中的磷脂信号强度相对正常人明显更低 ,反映了对应的PC及 (PE+SM )含量相对正常人更低 ,尤其对初发未治疗的病人 ,差别更加明显。病人血清中各种脂蛋白含量也与正常人存在差异 ,且乳酸水平明显高于正常人。该方法较好地从分子水平反映了白血病人与正常人血清中磷脂、脂蛋白及乳酸水平的差异 ,为白血病临床研究提供了一个简便、直观的新方法 。
To study metabolism of phospholipid and lipoprotein and lactic acid by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and investigate the feasibility in leukaemia clinical study, serum sample of leukaemia patients and healthy controls were collected and measured with MSL-300MHz spectrometer. The phospholipid contents were known by contrast relatively integral area of PC signal and (PE+SM) signal with 31 P-NMRS. A lineshape fitting model was used to analyze various lipoprotein and lactic acid changes by methyl and methylene groups in 1H-NMR spectrum of leukaemia serum. In spectra of serum of leukaemia patients, the phospholipid signals strength were significantly decreased. It reflected lower phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin content in serum of leukemia patients, especially for original untreatment patient. The various lipoprotein contents were difference and lactic acid was significantly higher than normal control. NMR technique is a convenience method. It can primely reflect the difference of phospholipid and lipoprotein and lactic acid between leukaemia patients and normal control from molecule level. It provided a new method for study of leukaemia and is worthy to further study.
Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science)
国家自然科学基金资助 (1 9875 0 1 7)
国家教委博士点基金资助 (96 0 2 6 90 8)