水生病原体威胁饮用水水质的安全性 1999~ 2 0 0 0年间美国供水协会 (AWWA)提出了与饮用水水质有关的水生病原体 ,其中的某些种类在我国还没有得到足够的重视 本文对这些病原体的生态特征及危害进行了分析概括 。
The water borne pathogens have been severely threatened the safety of drinking water quality all over the world.During 1999~2000, AWWA had suggested some water borne pathogens involved with the drinking water, but in China, some species of them have not been satisfactorily emphased. This paper gives these water borne pathogens' ecological characteristics and their hazards, the aim of which is that these pathogens should be closely noticed and fully investigated.
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Natural Science Edition)