体育教学是有别于其他学科并具有综合色彩的教学活动,涵盖了身体、体能练习、技能和技巧训练、意志和毅力的培养、品质道德修养、终身体育教育等. 要求体育教师要有良好的精神风貌,不囿于传统的思维定势,广开思路增强创造性意识,改善知识结构,实施创造性教学,在体育教学中开辟出一片令人耳目一新的新天地.
The teaching of Physical Education differentiates from other subjects. It is a teaching activity with synthetic color. It involves the practice of body and physical power, the training of skills and techniques, the development of will power and persistence, the cultivation of moral qualities and life-long sports activities. All these demand a good and vigorous attitude for all teachers of Physical Education. Instead of conventional thinking, a PE teacher should widen his view to strengthen his creative awareness, to improve his knowledge structure and to practice creative teaching. Thus he can open a new world of brand-new creative teaching in Physical Education.
Journal of Wuyi University(Natural Science Edition)