提高用电系统的功率因数对电网的品质意义重大 .基于Boost电路 ,提出了一种能提高功率因数的三相AC/DC全桥变换器 .在此变换器中 ,直流侧与交流侧隔离 ,有利于用电安全 .还分析了设计原理 ,讨论了其工作过程和功率因数校正原理 .仿真和实验结果证明该结构能有效改善功率因数 ,实测功率因数可达 0 .
It's important to enhance the power factor of electricity-using systems. Based on Boost circuit, a three-phase AC/DC full-bridge converter is presented.This converter has high PFC effect. This converter is save for use because of the isolation of the DC side from the AC side. In this paper, the design principle is analyzed, the operation and PFC mechanism are discussed. Simulation and experimental results show that the power factor can be greater than 0.99.