毛泽东和邓小平的共同富裕思想都是马克思主义与中国实际相结合的产物。他们的思想有很多的一致性 ,但由于历史和国际环境的局限 ,前者显得不太成熟 ,后者建立在前者的基础上 ,则更加完整准确 ,更加切合当今中国实际 。
Both Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping's theories of 'Common Wealth' were based on the combination of Marxism and the Chinese practicality. They have a lot in common. But due to the different time in history and international conditions, Mao's theory has a lot of limitations while Deng's, based on Mao's, is more complete and therefore, more suitable to the present situation in China. It is an enrichment and development of Marxism.
Journal of Huzhou University