介绍了一种新颖的面向 Ethernet和 Intranet的 IP网络语音终端设备转换器的设计 ,该转换器采用 TI公司的数字信号处理器 TMS32 0 C31作为话音编码器 ,ATMEL公司的 AT89C51作为控制器 ,系统外围提供了 RJ45和 RS2 32等通信接口 ,从而可以直接作为 IP网络的终端设备使用 。
A DSP based solution to Ethernet/Intranet oriented IP network terminal is designed. It's core are TMS320C31 in charge of voice codec and AT89C51 in charge of communications protocol processing and control logic. Several kinds of interface including RJ45,RS232 are designed . This convertor can be used as an Internet network terminal directly. Some details of hardware and software design are discussed in this paper.
Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities(Natural Sciences)
国家民委重点资助项目 (BZY0 0 0 0 1 )