

Carbon Emissions and Sequestration Potential of Central African Ecosystems
摘要 《京都议定书》中的《气候变化框架公约共同行动计划》和《清洁开发机制》要求对目前生态系统的碳蓄积、碳通量及碳截留潜力进行科学的理解,特别是对于碳贮库大但碳排放显著的、存在大面积和可重新造林土地的热带生态系统的了解。非洲中部拥有世界上10%的现有热带湿润森林,但有关该地区的碳研究甚少。1980年,非洲中部生态系统地上部分的碳蓄积为28.92Pg,到1990年则减少到24.79 Pg。以增加生物量碳密度为目标而改善的森林管理能够截留18.32Pg的碳,到2050年还有超过50万km^2原为森林的土地可以重新造林,从而增加截留10 Pg的碳。了解生物量碳蓄积碳及其潜在截留量的空间分布对于通过《共同行动计划》和《清洁开发机制》所启动的碳贸易行动具有重大的意义。 Joint Implementation under the Climate Change Convention and Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol require a scientific understanding of current carbon stocks, fluxes, and sequestration potential, especially in tropical ecosystems where there are large carbon reservoirs, significant carbon emissions, and large land areas available for reforestation. Central Africa contains 10% of the world's remaining tropical moist forests and has received little attention in carbon studies. In 1980, aboveground carbon stocks in the central African ecosystem were 28.92 Pg and were reduced to 24. 79 Pg by 1990. Improved forest management aimed at increasing biomass density could sequester 18.32 Pg of carbon, and over 500 000 km2 formerly forested land will be available by 2050 for reforestation with a capacity to offset 10 Pg carbon. Understanding the spatial distribution of biomass carbon and sequestration potential will be essential for carbon trading initiatives through Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2001年第6期351-355,共5页
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