近年来香港特别行政区水域内 ,在船只上作业时发诟咚 剑 渲杏纫曰跷锎碜饕滴 酰 敝心诘卮 钡难现匾獍踩盗返墓娑?:指定工种的人员 ,包括领班、理货员、起重机操作员、信号员、装卸工人、叉式起重车操作员、工程督导员、驳船或内地货轮船员等 ,须接受认可的安全训练 ,并且要持有有效的训练证明书 ,才可以在船上工作。透过强制性安全训练 ,向船上作业人员灌输相关的基本安全知识和安全操作指引 ,提高他们的安全意识 ,以达到减少工作事故的目的。香港特区政府海事处计划在 2 0 0 2年实施有关新法例。届时 ,在香港特区水域内所有上述船上指定工种的作业人员 ,包括来自内地的内河货轮和沿岸货轮的船员 。
In recent years the casualties of shipboard operations have been at high levels in the waters of the Hong Kong SAR,of which the casualties involving cargo handling operations are the worst and the number of serious casualties of Mainland crew has greatly increased.In response to the above situation,the government of the Hong Kong SAR has proposed to amend the relevant legislation in order to introduce mandatory safety training for persons engaged in works on vessel:specified disciplines of workers,including forement,tally clerks,crane operators,signallers,stevedoring workers,forklift truck operators,works supervisors,crew of lighters or Mainland coastal cargo vessels,etc.,are required to attend approved safety training courses and to hold valid certificates of training before they can be engaged in works on vessels. Through the mandatory safety training,the persons engaged in works on vessels may be imbued with relevant basic safety knowledge and safe operation guidelines.Hence their safety awareness will be raised,nd the objective of reducing accidents may be achieved.The government of Hong Kong SAR is going to implement the newly amended legislation relevant in 2002.Henceforth in the waters of Hong Kong SAR,the specified disciplines of workers of the above mentioned vessels,including the vrew of the Mainland river trade cargo vessels and coastal cargo vessels,are required to hold valid certificates of training.
Safety and Environmental Engineering