世纪之交的中国 ,出现了以中华民族为主体和对象 ,以实现中华民族伟大复兴为目标的“中华新理性主义思潮”,这一思潮将在 2 1世纪成为显学。中华学是中华新理性主义思潮的典型代表 ,是对“中国特色”问题的理性探索 ,是以新学科的形态出现的中华新理性主义思潮中民族特色和理性特色都十分浓厚的内容。理性地对待中华自然、中华文化和中华民族 ,是中华学的基本要求和特征。
At the turn of the centuries, there emerged a neo rationalism in China, which aims at realizing the rejuvenation of China and will be a focusing study in the 21st century. In this trend of thought, the Chinese study is a typical one which explores the Chinese characteristics and is a new subject with strong Chinese features and rationalism which treats Chinese nature, culture and nationality rationally.