经济全球化对中国的经济政治文化产生了广泛而深刻的影响。中国文化如何面对挑战和发展机遇 ,选择一条博采众长、且具民族特色又体现社会主义本质的文化发展道路 ,是坚持建设有中国特色的社会主义文化 ,把握中国先进文化的前进方向的重要课题 ,
Economic globalization has exerted profound influence upon the economy, politics and culture of China. How to face with challenges and developing opportunities and select a road for cultural development in learning from others' strong points, have national feature and socialist nature, which is an important discussion for adhering to the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and keeping direction in the advanced culture of China.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Medical University