西方主流心理学植根于经验实证主义传统 ,认为科学是客观的和价值中立的。这种观点与女性主义理论格格不入。女性主义心理学试图调和女性主义理论与传统心理科学观之间的冲突 ,在其研究历程中形成了三种研究取向 :一是实证主义取向的女性主义心理学 ,强调遵循实证主义研究传统 ,重新改造主流的心理科学 ,以服务于女性主义目标 ;二是现象学取向的女性主义心理学 ,强调从女性立场出发 ,创建一个全新的、“以女性为中心”的心理科学来代替传统的心理科学 ;三是后现代取向的女性主义心理学 ,强调采用解构的方法 ,重新解读主流心理学中的关于女性的所谓“科学的”知识 ,揭示心理学中的男性中心主义偏见。
Psychology is rooted in the tradition of empirical positivism that views science as objective and value free.How are psychologists to reconcile the inherent conflict between feminist beliefs and conventional views of science?Three alternatives are currently being explored.One emphasizes the value of reshaping conventional scientific practices to serve feminist goals;this has been called 'positivist paradigm of feminist psychology'.The second emphasizes the need to create a totally new approach to science that would replace traditional science;this has been called 'phenomenological paradigm of feminist psychology'.And the third emphasizes the deconstructing and reinterpreting the 'scientific'knowledge and reveals the androcentric biases in mainstream psychology;this has been called'postmodernist paradigm of feminist psychology'.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)