首先采用两级物化一电解一吸附工艺对高浓度阳离子染料生产废水进行预处理,再与低浓度生产废水、生活污水混合生化处理,总脱色率和 CODcr去除率均可达到 99.9%以上,达标排放。
The high concentration wastewater of cationic dyestuff was firstly pre - treated by Fe - filtration bed process, coagulating process, electrolysis process, adsorption process, then low concentration wastewater and living sewage were compounded with and treated by biocontact oxidation process and adsorption process. The total removal rate of CODcrand decoloration is up to 99. 9%. The effluent quality can reach the requirements of wastewater discharge standards.
China Environmental Protection Industry