试验采用 A1 - A2 - O生物膜系统处理焦化废水 ,对好氧段的影响因素进行了研究。结果表明 ,当好氧段HRT为 2 8.1h,出水 p H值为 7.7~ 8.0 ,剩余碱度为 15 0~ 2 0 0 mg/ L,池中部加碱 ,进水 COD负荷 <0 .2 2 kg/ m3·d,氨氮负荷 <0 .0 5 kg/ m3· d时 ,系统对 COD和氨氮的去除率分别可达 87%和 98% ,出水 COD浓度平均低于 15 0 mg/ L,氨氮浓度低于 15 mg/
An Anaerobic Anoxic Aerobic biofilm system was used to treat coke plant wastewater.Influence factors to carbonization and nitrification at aerobic stage were studied.Results indicated that the optimum conditions for organic and nitrogen removal were:(1)Hydraulic retention time (HRT) in aerobic reactor was 28.1h. (2)The pH value in aerobic reactor ranged from 7.7 to 8.0.The remaining alkalinity in effluent was 150~200mg/L. (3)Alkali was added from the middle part of the aerobic tank. (4)The COD and ammonia nitrogen loading rate were less than 0.22kg/m 3·d and 0.05kg/m 3·d,respectively.Given the above conditions,up to 87% of COD and more than 98% of ammonia nitrogen could be removed.The average concentration in effluent for COD and ammonia nitrogen were less than 150 mg/L and 15mg/L,respectively.
Chongqing Environmental Science