
瑞典中部法伦地区1000年铜生产对环境的影响 被引量:1

Environmental Effects of One Thousand Years of Copper Production at Falun, Central Sweden
摘要 瑞典中部的法伦地区在铜生产过程中向大气中排放二氧化硫(SO_2)和金属的历史至少有1000年。在17世纪,排放达到高峰,当时,法伦地区铜产量占世界铜供应量的2/3。因此,该地区为研究酸沉降和金属污染的长期效应,包括随后3个世纪降低二氧化硫排放和金属沉降的恢复提供了一个难得的机会。本文对当地二氧化硫的排放进行了1000年的回顾,估算了二氧化硫的大气浓度和干沉降,及对土壤和湖泊的酸化和金属污染。尽管长期以来二氧化硫的沉降超过了临界负荷,但土壤酸化仅局限于矿区西北和东南12km污染最严重的范围内。根据湖泊沉积物中的硅藻分析,14个湖泊中仅有8个为酸化型(0.4~0.8 pH单位)。可能是由于大量的硫酸盐仍然累积在土壤中,以及土地利用方式发生了变化,这些湖泊目前仍处于酸化状态。 Copper production in Falun, central Sweden, has emitted sulfur dioxide (SO2) and metals to the air during at least 1000 years. Emissions peaked in the 17th century when Falun produced 2/3 of the world's copper supply. This area offers unique opportunities to study long-term effects of acid deposition and metal pollution, including recovery following the three centuries of decreasing SO2 and metal deposition. Here we present a 100p-yr perspective on local emissions of SO2, estimated air concentrations and dry deposition of SO2, as well as results on acidification and metal pollution of soils and lakes. Despite a long period when deposition of SO2 exceeded the critical load, soil acidification is limited to the most heavily polluted area 12 km NW and SE from the mine. According to diatom analyses of lake sediments, only 8 of 14 lakes have become acidified (0.4-0.8 pH units). None of these lakes show recovery from acidification, probably due to large amounts of sulfate still accumulated in the soils and changes in land use.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2001年第2期96-103,共8页
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