为了解沈阳市 3~ 6岁儿童血铅水平、铅污染流行情况及特征 ,采用石墨炉原子吸收方法对本市 1 0 84名 3~ 6岁儿童进行血铅含量测定 ,根据美国疾病控制中心 1 991年标准将血铅水平分为六级 ,观察了不同程度铅污染与儿童行为发育的关系。结果表明 ,血铅水平为 1 0 0 1 4± 39 83μg L ,铅污染流行率为 4 4 4 6 %。儿童铅污染程度与儿童行为发育异常呈正相关。揭示我市 3~ 6岁儿童血铅水平仍处于较高水平 ,铅污染以轻度为主 。
The status of Pb pollution among children in Shenyang city,the Pb content of children aged 3~6 and the chareacteristics of Pb pollution were studied.The effects of Pb pollation on children behavior development were analyzed.The results showed that there was a positive correlation between the status of Pb pollution among children and children's behavior developments.
Trace Elements Science