着重研究了河南省及邻区 6次 ML4.7级以上地震前信息增益变化图像和信息增益时、空变化特征 ,依据这些特征将地震分为 型 (异常 -发震型 )和 型 (异常 -消失 -发震型 )两种类型。在此基础上 ,根据信息增益的时、空扫描图像 ,对异常地区的地震趋势和将要发生的地震的震级 (是否大于 5级 )、震中位置和发震时间进行了探讨。
the variation of information gain and its spatial-temporal characteristics for six M L≤4.7 earthquakes in Henan Province and its adjacent area are mainly studied.Based on these characteristics,The earthquakes are classified into two categories;Ⅰ type (anomaly appearance-earthquake occurrence) and Ⅱ type (anomaly appearance-anomaly disappearance-earthquake occurrence).According to the spatial-temporal images of information gain,the tendency of potential earthquake,as well as its magnitude(if larger than 5),epicentral position and occurrence time in the abnormal area is discussed.
North China Earthquake Sciences