“三个代表”的重要思想是江泽民同志“七一”讲话的灵魂和主题 ,“三个代表”为高等学校进一步指明了办学方向 ,是推动高等学校改革和发展的强大思想武器。高校要履行好培养人才、科技创新、社会服务的三大职能 ,做先进生产力的开拓者 ,先进文化的建设者 ,最广大人民根本利益的维护者。
The important idea of the 'Three Represents' is the theme and soul of Mr. Jiang Zemin′s speech on July 1st,2001.The idea of the 'Three Represents' shows clearly the orientation for the school running of universities in China.It is the mighty thinking weapon to promote the reform and development of universities. Higher educational institutions should takd three major functions including fostering talents, initiation of science and technology and social service,and should be the pioneers of advanced productivity, the builders of advanced culture and the safeguards of the fundamental interests of the vast majority of the people.
Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition