信息产业是国民经济的支柱产业和新的经济增长点 ,软件产业是信息产业的核心和灵魂 ,是科技经济竞争的制高点 ,它将是一个国家、一个地区综合经济科技实力的重要标志。就国际国内软件发展情况来看 ,从无锡的实际出发 ,本文提出了无锡软件产业发展的必然性、紧迫性及突出创新、强化集成 ,加快无锡软件园建设的对策措施。
Information technology industry is the pillar industry and new economic point of growth for national economy. Software industry is the core and soul of information technology industry and is the key point for scientific & economic competition. It will be the key symbol showing the integrated power of economy and science of one country and one area. This article analyzes the general conditions on development of international & domestic software industry and brings forward the necessity, impendence, and corresponding countermeasures on the development of Wuxi software industry based on the actual situations of Wuxi.
Journal of Wuxi University of Light Industry(Social Science Edition)