21世纪是知识经济时代 ,创新是其重要的特征。高校是知识创新的源头 ,也是技术创新的重要领地 ,大学科技园是大学教学、科研和产业三位一体的创新载体 ,是我国科技、教育体制改革深化的必然结果。大学科技园的发展得到了各地政府、高校的大力支持 ,特别是与国家高新技术产业开发区发展结合的尤为密切和深入。无锡是科技、教育比较发达的地区 ,无锡高新区的良好的投资环境和国际接轨的管理体制 ,为无锡大学科技园的建立和发展创造了良好的发展空间。
The 21 st century is the era of knowledge economy, with creation or innovation as its most outstanding feature. Universities and colleges are the source of knowledge creation and at the same time the source of technology innovation. Thus the campus science garden is the innovative carrier of the combination of teaching, research and industry in higher education, a logical consequence of the advancing of the reform of the sci tech system and the educational system in China. The development of the campus science garden has been supported greatly by the government at all levels and the universities and colleges. Especially, it is closely connected with the high tech area(new and high technology development areas) in China. Wuxi is advanced in sci tech and education. Its pleasant investment environment and management at national level will support the founding and development of the Wuxi Campus Science Garden.
Journal of Wuxi University of Light Industry(Social Science Edition)