豆形灯是中国最早的定型化灯具 ,也是使用最多最广泛的一种灯具形式。豆形灯简单实用廉价的特点使之在民间长期流传。同时它在历史的延续中适应着时代的发展与进步 ,主要是随应了灯具实用功能的改变 ;顺应了科技发展的时代要求 ;产生了传统文化发展与艺术交流的影响。
The Dou shaped lamp is the earliest lamp shaped in ancient China, and has been used widely. The Dou lamp has been used by Chinese chronically because it's simple and economic. Additionally, it developed with the change of function, the advance of technology, and the development and exchange of culture.
Journal of Wuxi University of Light Industry(Social Science Edition)