介绍语篇分析开始 ,解释了Hoey的语篇分析理论 ,并将这一理论应用于教学实践中 ,分析了《2 1世纪大学英语》教材中的一篇范文。讨论了最基本的三种语篇结构模式。这三种模式通过不同的途径将语义单位相联系 ,形成语篇。最后对范文进行了教学的分析。
Starting from the introduction of “discourse”, this paper tries to explain Hoey's theory of discourse analysis and applies it in the practice of the teaching of a text in 21st Century College English. Here, 3 patterns of discourse organizations are discussed. These patterns can be considered as networks that build up on all kinds of clause relations. Based on the three patterns, a complete analysis of the whole sample text is given.
Journal of Wuxi University of Light Industry(Social Science Edition)