围绕推进上海“一个龙头 ,三个中心”的发展战略 ,就我国加入 WTO对上海建立国际金融中心、金融市场、金融管理体制、金融机构、金融业务、金融创新、金融货币政策、民间融资、风险投资、金融开放等十个方面的影响进行了分析 ,认为加入 WTO为上海金融业的大发展提供了难得的历史机遇 ,将极大地推动上海国际金融中心的真正建立 ,并提出了应对 WTO挑战 ,抓住机遇的若干措施及政策建议。
To implement the strategy of making Shanghai the “one dragon head, three centers” in China, recently we have made some analysis of the influence of WTO in ten respects of the establishment of the international financial center, financial market, financial administration system, financial institutions, financial business, financial innovation, monetary policy, private financing, risk investment, and opening of the financial market. We have come to a conclusion that the access to WTO will give great opportunity for the development of Shanghai finance industry and will help to promote the establishment of Shanghai as the international finance center. We also present some suggestions to get hold of the opportunities and meet the challenges of entering WTO.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)