目的 探讨人类白细胞 (HLA)Ⅰ、Ⅱ抗原与肾综合征出血热易感相关性。方法 应用免疫学清学方法检测 5 9例肾综合征出血热患者和 6 0名正常对照者的HLA Ⅰ类抗原型 ;以序列特异性引物PCR扩增 (PCR/SSP)技术鉴定HLA DRB1,B3,B4和B5基因型及等位基因频率。结果 肾综合征出血热患者组HLA Ⅰ类A1抗原频率明显高于对照组 ,两组间频率分别为 2 2 %和 8% [χ2 =4.35P =0 .0 3相对危险 (RR) =3.11];患者组DRB1 15和DRB1 16等位基因 (即DR2 血清型 )频率明显高于对照组 ,37.3%和 19.8% ,P <0 .0 1;两组间DR5 1(B5 )频率差异更明显 ,为 5 6 %和 19%P =0 .0 2。结论 上述结果表明HLA Ⅰ、Ⅱ类抗原型与肾综合征出血热相关 ,而HLA DRB1 (15 ,16 ) DRB5单倍型是个体肾综合征出血热 (HFRS)
Objective To investigate whether association of the genotype at the HLA A,B and DRB1, B3 B4 B5 loci with the Susceptipility to hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Chinese Hans. Methods HLA A,B antigen types were detected by immunoserologic method and the genotypes of HLA DRB were identified by PCR/SSP method. Results The results showed that The Frequencies of A1, HLA DRB1 * (15,16) and DRB5 were increased in patients as compared to the healthy controls ( P <0.05). The frequencies of DRB1 * (15,16) and DRB5 in patients with HFRS were sigenificanly higher than that in the healthy controls , 37.3%? 19.8% and 56%? 19% , respectively. Conclusions These results suggest that The DRB1 *(15,16) allele and The DRB1 * (15,16) DRB5 haplotype were strongly associated with Susceptibility to hemorrhagic fever with renal syntrome in Chinese Hans.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine