目的 为了了解梧州市吸毒人群中艾滋病的流行情况,以便更好地开展工作。方法 对吸毒人群流行病学调查资料进行分析。结果 1998~2000年对梧州市 1178名吸毒者调查结果表明,其静脉注射吸毒率84.8%,HIV感染率逐年上升,1998年对438例吸毒者进行调查,HIV阳性者2例,阳性率为0.5%;1999年调查319例吸毒者,阳性者7例,阳性率为2.2%;2000年调查421例吸毒者,阳性者 139例.阳性率高达33.0%,3年间阳性率差异非常显著(P<0.01)。结论 HIV感染者以本市居民为主,且存在共用注射器行为和婚外、婚前性行为。HIV感染的主要途径是静脉注射吸毒,调查表明梧州市吸毒人群中HIV的感染率已达较高水平、这是广西新发现的吸毒人群HIV流行的又一区域。
The investigation of HIV infection among 1178 drug users implemented in Wuzhou city from 1998 to 2000, Guangxi province of China. The results indicate that 84. 8% of the drug users were injecting durg user and HIV incidence rate had increased in the past three years. In 1998, 2 HIV positive persons were detected among 438 drug users, in 1999, 7 were found among 319 drug users, and in 2000,139 were found among 421 drug users;their HIV positive rates were 0.5%, 2.2% and 33.0%, respectively. There were significant differences in the three rate( P < 0.01). Most of the HIV infectors were civic residents. and they had the behaviour of sharing needles and syringe or extramarital and premarital sex behaviors. There was a high level of the HIV prevalence in the population of drug users in Wuzhou. This is a new region of HIV epidemic among drug user in Guangxi.
Chinese Journal of Std & Aids Prevention and Control