
抑肽酶对血小板膜糖蛋白功能的影响 被引量:4

Effects of aprotinin on platelet membrane glycoprotein function
摘要 目的 探讨抑肽酶对心肺转流 (CPB)期间血小板功能的保护作用。方法 选择 2 0例先天性心脏病房、室间隔缺损在CPB下行心内修补术的病人 ,随机分为对照组 (不加抑肽酶 )和抑肽酶组 (加抑肽酶 2 0 0万KIU) ,每组 10例。分别测定不同时间点的血小板计数和血小板膜糖蛋白GPⅠb、GPⅡb Ⅲa的表达。结果 与对照组相比 ,抑肽酶组血小板计数和血小板膜糖蛋白GPⅠb、GPⅡb Ⅲa的表达减少明显减轻 (P <0 0 5 ) ,术后出血也明显减少。结论 抑肽酶在体外循环期间可抑制血小板计数和血小板膜糖蛋白GPⅠb和GPⅡb Ⅲa的减少 ,对血小板功能具有保护作用。 Objective To study the protective effects of aprotinin on platelet function during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).Methods Twenty patients with atrial or ventricual septal defect were randomized into two groups:one group ( n= 10) received aprotinin 2×10 6 KIU and the other ( n= 10) did not.Blood samples were measured in different time points.Results Compared with control group,the intravenous aprotinin effectively preserved platelet count and platelet membrane glycoproteins Ⅰ b(GPⅠb) and GPⅡb Ⅲa ( P< 0 05).Conclusion Prophylactic administration of aprotinin can preserve platelet function and significantly reduce bleeding after CPB.
出处 《临床麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2001年第12期671-673,共3页 Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology
关键词 心肺转流 抑肽瘤 血小板 糖蛋白 Cardiopulmonary bypass Aprotinin Platelet Glycoproteins
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