目的 : 了解女性性病患者阴道念珠菌的带菌情况。方法 : 对 42 2例女性性病患者作阴道分泌物革兰氏染色检查念珠菌 ,并同时检查淋球菌 (NG)、解脲支原体 (UU)、人型支原体 (MH)、沙眼衣原体 (CT)。结果 : 女性性病患者的阴道念珠菌带菌率为 35 .1%。在混合感染中 ,念珠菌合并UU感染率为 13.7% ,合并NG、MH、CT的总感染率为 7.8%。结论 : 女性性病患者的阴道念珠菌带菌率高于健康育龄妇女 。
Objective: To determine the prevalence of vaginal candida flora among the female patients with sexually transmitted disease (STD). Methods:Gram stained examination for vaginal candida was done in 422 female patients, N.gonrrhoeae (NG), C.trachomatis (CT), U.urealyticum (UU) and M.hominis (MH) were also investigated at the same time.Results: The prevalence of vaginal candida flora was 35.1%. The co infection rate for candida and UU was 13.7%; The co infection rate of candida with any NG or MH or CT was 7.8%. Conclusion : The rate of vaginal candida flora among female patients with STD was higher than that among healthy women and candidal infection mixed with UU was the most common in this gcoup of patients. [
China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases