本文针对软弱厚煤层综放工作面回采巷道支护困难的问题 ,采用 FLAC元法进行了支护优化的数值模拟研究 ,研究了工字钢、锚杆、锚索等不同支护形式对软弱厚煤顶板围岩变形、应力分布、塑性区发展破坏等的影响。给出了采用锚索与锚梁网支护软厚煤顶板的优化支护参数 ,应用证实了其可行性。
In order to deal with the difficulties of support designing on soft coal roadway roof in top coal caving, the program FLAC is employed in numerical simulation of support optimization. On the basis of analysis on different support style with H steels, bolts and prestress cables, the deformation of surrounding soft coal roof, the distribution of stress and the development of plastic zone in roof have been presented in this paper. The authors also propose the optimum parameters for designing bolt and cable support system in soft coal roof. The case study verified the reliability of research.
Ground Pressure and Strata Control