以 D0 0 1树脂为催化剂 ,用对苯二酚分别与乙酸酐和乙酸进行了反应实验并得到了对苯二酚单乙酸酯 .结果表明 :这两种方法均有较高的收率和选择性 .采用乙酸酐为原料具有反应快、反应温度低的优点 ,但成本较高 ;以乙酸乙酯为溶剂对苯二酚与乙酸酐在 80℃左右反应 1 h,对苯二酚单乙酸酯的收率为 41 .4% .采用乙酸为原料所需反应时间较长 ,但成本低 ,以甲苯为溶剂对苯二酚与过量的乙酸在 1 1 0℃左右反应 8h,对苯二酚单乙酸酯的收率为 5 1 .6 % .
Two methods were used in synthesizing 1,4 Benzenediol monoacetate with the catalyst D001 resin. The result shows that a high conversion and a good selectivity can be achieved by using these two methods; The acetic anhydride is more active than acetic acid, so the reaction of acetic anhydride is easier than that of acetic acid. The suitable reaction conditions between 1,4 benzenediol and acetic anhydride in ethyl acetate are as follows: n(1,4 benzenediol)∶n(actic anhydride)=1∶1.2,the reaction temperature 80℃,the reaction time 1 h. This can result in a yield of 41.4% for 1,4 benzenediol monoacetate. The yield can reach 51.6% by reacting 1,4 benzenediol and acetic acid in toluene solution at refluxing temperature for 8 h.
Journal of China University of Mining & Technology