采用质量分数为 2 0 %的NaOH溶液中和、环己烷萃取、气相色谱分析法测定对硝基氯苯邻磺酸中对硝基氯苯的含量。该法的平均回收率为 94.7% ,相对标准偏差 (RSD)不大于 5 % ,最小可检测质量分数 0 .0 0 0 8% ,方法简便、快速、准确 。
A method for analyzing p nitrochlorobenzene in p nitrochlorobenzene o sulfonic acid by gas chromatography is presented. The samples were neutralized with 20% NaOH solution and extracted by cyclohexane first,and then injected into gaschromatography.The average recovery is 94.7%,Relative Standard Difference (RSD) is less than 5% and least testable concentration 0.0008%.The experimental results show that the method is simple, rapid and accurate. This analysis method has been used as the factory standard.
Science & Technology in Chemical Industry