目的 :了解肺癌患者就诊主要症状以及胸部X片、CT表现与纤支镜检查结果的关系。方法 :主要通过对最后明确诊断肺癌的 133例患者的资料分析对比。结果 :133例均经纤支镜诊断肺癌 ,咳嗽、咯血、胸痛是三大主要症状 ,占 75 .2 % ,头痛、骨痛、肢体运动障碍、胸闷、气促、面部肿胀等表现需引起注意 ;根据影像学结果进行有重点、有针对性的观察和取材 ,是提高纤支镜确诊阳性率的有力保证 ,即使影像学没有发现阳性病灶 ,但有其他相关表现如痰中带血、局限性哮鸣音等 ,或有其他检查指针者 ,应该行纤支镜检查 ,以早期诊断和避免漏诊。结论 :在纤支镜检查前 ,重视患者症状和影像学结果 ,进行综合分析 。
Objective:To analysis the clinical symptom and X-ray of lung cancers diagnosed by branchofiberoscope.Methods:Analysis of data of 133 cases of lung cancer diagnosed by branchofiberoscope.Results:Coughing,Hemoptysis and Chest pain are still the three chief symptom(75.2%),but other manifestations need attention.To observe and to draw the materials according to the X-ray is assurance to rise the positive rate of final diagnosis by branchofiberoscope.Conclusions:To think highly of the clinical symptom and X-ray of patients before the branchofiberoscope has important significance to the diagnose of lung cancer.
China Journal of Endoscopy