根据阜康生态试验站试验小区 1999~ 2 0 0 0年冬小麦不同灌溉量控制试验 ,验证了冬小麦水分敏感期为拔节———灌浆期 ,探讨了该区冬小麦产量与灌水量之间的关系。提出了阜康地区冬小麦返青水应采用“小水”灌溉的方式。同时通过对小区冬小麦成熟期灌水过程不同深度土壤水分含量的动态观测分析 ,提出冬小麦在成熟期对灌溉水分的消耗利用集中在 0~
According to the experiment with different irrigation treatment leuels of winter wheat in Fukang Experimental Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences in the years 1999-2000, this paper compared the relationship between the winter wheat yield and irrigation lerels; verified that the sensitive period of winter wheat is during the time of jointing stage to in the filling stage; advanced that“low level irrgation' is a better irrigating method than old irrgating method at greening stage of winter wheat in Fukang area of Xinjiang, this method of irrgation can econmically utilize water and does not influence the output of wheat. Through the field experiments of different irrigation levels to winter wheat maturing period, the soil moisture change in different soil depth were analyzed and discucsed, water consumption of winter wheat was concentrate at the 0.0cm to 30cm soil layer at the maturing stage.
Arid Land Geography
国家自然科学基金资助 (497710 0 9)成果之一
国家自然科学基金"九五"重大项目 (项目号 49890 3 3 0 )成果之