以铝合金LY12CZ为基材 ,以丙烯酸酯齐聚物和微凝胶分别改性环氧树脂粘合剂 ,进行了湿热老化试验和楔子试验 ,观察了粘接件在湿热条件下剪切强度的变化和耐久性。结果表明丙烯酸酯齐聚物作为增韧剂 ,经湿热老化试验后 ,PACR1、PACR2有较好的湿热老化性 ,剪切强度保留率分别为 81.7%、80 .0 % ,而且PACR2耐久性较好 ;微凝胶作为增韧剂 ,微凝胶 1#
two modified systems, functional acrylic oligomers/epoxy and microgels/epoxy, were studied to observe shear strength and durability of bonded joint under hot and wet condition. From the wet heat test and wedge test, it could be found that wet hot resistance of PACR1 and PACR2/epoxy systems, in which the intensity retention was 81.7% and 80.0% respectively , and wet-hot resistance of microgel/epoxy system were good. A good joint durability were achieved when PACR2 and microgel were used as toughening agents.
Journal of Nanjing University of Chemical Technology(Natural Science Edition)