加入WTO后,中国石油业面临的最大问题之一是如何在成品油零售领域同国外石油分司抗衡。加油站直面成品油市场,是通过产品和服务来树立公司品牌形象、扩大市场份额、获取销售收入的前哨端口。为了提高加油站服务水平和竞争能力,中国石油炼油与销售分分司组织精兵强将,在学习和借鉴国内外先进经验的基础上,结合“中国石油”的实际,制定了《加油站管理规范》。该《规 范》在2001年底开始自上而下地培训,并从今年1月份开始在中国石油天然气股份有限公司加油站管理部门及所属各类加油站全面贯彻执行。本刊记者为此采访了主抓这一工作的炼油与销售分公司副总经理田景惠和加油站管理处处长王长江,请他们介绍了《规范》出台的背景、意义及贯彻执行《规范》的总体要求。
As China obtains its WTO membership, one of the most serious issues facing the country's petroleum industry is how to compete with foreign oil companies in the oil products retail sector. Service station, which is directly exposed to the market, sets up the company's brand and image, expands market share and brings about the sales income by means of products and service. To raise the service level and competitiveness of service stations, PetroChina Oil Refining and Marketing Company has formulated 'PetroChina's Standard of Service Station Management' on the basis of the advanced experience both at home and abroad and PetroChina's actual conditions. In accordance with the Standards, employees of PetroChina service stations at all levels came under business training starting from the end of 2001. The managerial departments of servitation stations under PetroChina and their affiliated petrol stations will fully implement the Standard from January 2002. International Petroleum Economics reporter has an interview with Tian Jinghui, vice president of PetroChina Oil Refining and Marketing Company, Wang Changjiang, director of Service Station Management Division. They briefed about the background and significance of the Standard as well as the general requirements on implementation of the Standard.
International Petroleum Economics