目的 了解社会人群精神疾病的患病情况 ,指导开展精神病的社区防治和康复工作。方法 采用普查的方法 ,调查佛山市城区祖庙街社区 15岁以上人群精神疾病的流行状况 ,并对患者和社区对照组进行生活质量平行测量。结果 该社区共有 15岁以上精神疾病患者 335例 ,时点患病率和终生患病率分别为 11 6 2‰和 12 11‰ ;精神分裂症、精神发育迟滞和老年性痴呆是社区人群中 3种最主要的精神疾病 ;离婚、丧偶、文化程度低者患病率较高 ;精神病患者的生活质量显著低于正常对照组 ,P <0 0 1。结论 必须重视社区中的精神疾病的防治。精神疾病的社区调查 ,有利于确定精神疾病的社区防治和康复工作重点。
Objective To investigate the prevalence of mental disorders in community and make prevention and rehabilitation for them.Methods A cross-section study about the mental disorders in residents more than 15 years old was conducted in a community of Foshan city.The quality of life was evaluated for the patients with mental disorders and community health controls.Results There were 335 cases (>15 years old) of mental disorders in the community population of 28825.The time-point prevalence and life-time prevalence were 11 62‰ and 12 11‰ respectively.Schizophrenia,menatl retardation and Alzheimer*ss disease were three mian mental disorders in the community.The prevalence rate was high among the persons who divorced,lost spouse with less education.The quality of life in patients with mental disorder was significantly lower than that of health control,P<0 01.Conclusions More attention should be pay to the prevention and treatment of mental disorders in community.The prevalence survey of mental disorders will be helpful for putting stress on the prevention and rehabilitation of mental disorder incommunity.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information