目的探讨各型肾脏疾病患儿肾小管受累情况以及建立小儿尿视黄醇结合蛋白 (RBP)正常值。方法应用酶联免疫吸附试验 (EL ISA )测定各型肾脏疾病小儿尿 RBP的含量。结果以单侧 95 %百分位数确定尿 RBP小儿正常对照组的上限值为 13.45μg/ m mol Cr;各病组阳性百分值 (大于正常组 95 %百分位数的例数与该组总病例数之比 )以急性肾衰、慢性肾衰和糖尿病 (10 0 % ) 3组最高 ;其他依次为肝豆状核变性 (88.89% )、乙型肝炎相关性肾炎 (78.5 7% )、狼疮性肾炎 (76 .92 % )、肾病综合征 (6 4.0 8% )、病毒性肾炎 (6 0 .0 0 % )、Ig A肾炎 (5 8.82 % )、过敏性紫瘢肾炎 (4 7.19% )、遗传性肾炎 (33.33% )、急性肾小球肾炎 (2 8.0 0 % )和肾炎综合征 (2 2 .6 4% )组 ;以单纯性血尿组 (15 .0 0 % )最低。结论尿 RBP含量升高提示患儿肾脏受损部位为肾小管 ;各型肾脏疾病尿
Objective To evaluate the tubular function in children with some types of renal diseases and to set up the normal range of urine retinol binding protein(RBP) in children. Method The urine RBP was measured with ELISA in 470 children with renal diseases and 157 healthy children. Results The accepted urine RBP range of 95% confidence in healthy subjects in less than 13 45 μg/mmolCr. The positive percentages in these groups(the ratio of the cases above this value to the total cases in each group were as follows: 100%(chronic renal failure, acute renal failure,diabetes mellitus), 88 89%(Wilson's disease),78 57%(nephritis associated with HbsAg), 76 92% (lupus nephritis), 64 08%(nephritic syndrome),60 00%(viral nephritis), 58 82%(IgA nephritis),47 19%(allergic purpuric nephritis),33 33%(hereditary nephritis),28 00%(acute glomerulonephritis),22 64%(nephrotic syndrome)and 15 00%(hematuria). Conclusion The increased RBP in urine indicates tubular damage in children renal diseases, and its variance in different renal diseases is correlated with the extent of tubular damage.
Shanghai Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences