目的 :从医院药房管理工作的现状 ,提出改善药房管理工作的设想。方法 :通过分析医院药房存在进货渠道混乱、人员素质不高、药学信息不畅、服务态度不尽人意、医药市场不正当竞争的现状 ;针对性地采取监管措施 ,强化监督职能 ,实行医药分开 ,规范药房运行 ,提高服务水平 ;实现医药药房规范化管理 ,改善管理手段 ,强化职业道德建设 ,实行集中招标采购 ,遏制不正之风 ,为临床提供质优。
objective:To offer the supposition to strengthen the drugstore management in hospital,according to that of the present time.Method:By analysis of the confused imports passageway,low personnel quality,backward information,bad service attitude,unfair competition in medical trade,we have taken supervising messures directly, strengthened supervisory duties,separated medicine,normalized the drugstore management in hospital,to improve the management method;to strengthen the professional ethics building;to take competitive purchase;to resist vicious fashion and offer high- quality and low- proce medicine for clinic.
Chinese Rural Health Service Administration