After ten years of investigation on distribution of microelements Zn,Mo, B, Ca, Co, Fe, Mn in soils of Shanghai and evaluation of the effects of microele ment fertilizers, the statistical results obtained by computer were applied by the authors to regional planning of microelement fertilizer application in Shanghai. On the basis of microelement levels in soils as well as effects of microelement fertilizers anti according to AOAC method, classification standard drafted by Soil Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences and distribution of crops, a chart of regional planning of microelement fertilizer application in Shanghai was drawn by taking administrative village as unit of division. So Shanghai was divided into five regions, namely shore plain region with significant effect of Zn application, river mouth shoal region with significant effect of Zn or B application, central plain region with less effect of micronutrient application,western shallow lake and lowland region with medium effect of micronutrient application and suburban vegetable growing region with less effect of balanced micronutrient application. The level and distribution of microelements in soils as well as the effect of microelement application in the five regions were detailed individually. Mathematical models of correlated factors affecting the effects of microelement fertilizers were established.This paper dealed with also the application technique of microelement fertilizers on different soils and crops.In the meantime, application quantities of different microelement fertilizers in Shanghai and economic benefits of microelement application were forecasted.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
Microelement,Regional planning,Effect of fertilizer