目的 筛选胃癌 19p部分微卫星多态位点的杂合性缺失 (loss of heterozygosite,L OH)频率 ,以初步确定 19p上与胃癌相关基因连锁最密切的微卫星多态位点。方法 采用聚合酶链反应 -单链长度多态(polymerase chain reaction- single strand length polymorphism,PCR- SSL P) -银染法选取 19p上 9对微卫星多态标记 (D19S42 4,D19S2 16 ,D19S40 6 ,D19S413,D19S2 2 1,D19S2 2 6 ,D19S411,D19S883,D19S886 ) ,对 43例原发性胃癌的杂合性缺失情况进行了分析。结果 43例中 2 2例至少在 1个位点发生 L OH,总缺失率为48.88%,这 9个位点的 L OH频率分别为 2 9.6 3%,11.5 3%,33.33%,8.5 7%,13.15 %,8.0 0 %,6 .45 %,6 .89%,10 .71%,在 D19S886也同时出现微卫星不稳定性 (microsatellite instability,MSI) 17.85 %。结论 提示 19p上的 L OH缺失频发区域可能涉及与人类原发性胃癌发生发展相关基因的存在。
Objective: To investigate the loss of heterozygosity(LOH) frequency of microsatellite loci in primary gastric cancer samples and locate the deleted regions on 19p in which might exist human gastric cancer related genes. Methods: The LOH of microsatellite loci on chromosome 19p was analyzed using PCR-SSLP-silver stain method in 43 primary gastric cancers and their paired normal tissues. Results: In 43 primary gastric tumors, LOH was detected on the site for D19S424(29.63%), D19S216(11.53%), D19S406 (33.33%), D19S413(8.57%), D19S221(13.15%), D19S226(8.00%), D19S411(6.45%), D19S883(6.89%), and D19S886(10.71%), microsatellite instability (MSI) was found at the same time at locus D19S886 (17.85%). Conclusion: The most common LOH occurrence at D19S406 and D19S424 might imply the existence of the potential genes related to the tumorigenesis of gastric cancer in these loci.
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics